Our Team
Director of Baylor in Washington
Director of Baylor in Washington
Dr. Corey is a professor of Political Science focusing on political philosophy in the Honors Program at Baylor University. He is also an affiliated member of the departments of Philosophy and Political Science. He was an undergraduate at Oberlin, where he earned a BA in Classics from the College and a BMus in music from the Conservatory. He studied law and jurisprudence at Old College, Edinburgh before taking up graduate work in political philosophy at Louisiana State University. He is the author of two books, The Just War Tradition (with J. Daryl Charles) (2012) and The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues (2015). He has written more than two dozen articles and book chapters in such venues as the Review of Politics, History of Political Thought, Modern Age, Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, and the Cambridge Dictionary of Political Thought. His current projects, Rethinking American Politics, and Liberalism & The Modern Quest for Freedom, examine the loss of healthy political association in the United States and offer strategies for reform.
Director of Programming and Development
Director of Programming and Development
Mollie Moore is the director of programming and development for Baylor in Washington. Based in Washington, D.C., she oversees Baylor's Washington Semester Program and seeks to provide an integrative strategy for all of Baylor’s programs and initiatives in the nation’s capital. Prior to joining the Baylor in Washington team, she served as the senior manager of academic programs at the American Enterprise Institute, where she managed the Institute's outreach to colleges and universities, with a particular focus on Christian higher education. Before AEI, Mollie served as a legislative correspondent for Senator Mitch McConnell. Mollie is a graduate of Baylor University, where she earned a B.A. in international studies.
Associate Director of Baylor in Washington
Associate Director of Baylor in Washington
Dr. Matthew Lee Anderson is an Assistant Research Professor of Ethics and Theology at Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion and the Associate Director of Baylor in Washington, and an Associate Fellow at the McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics, and Public Life at Oxford University, where he completed a D.Phil. in Christian Ethics. He is the founder of the web magazine Mere Orthodoxy, the author of Earthen Vessels: Why Our Bodies Matter to our Faith and The End of our Exploring, and has written for Christianity Today, the Washington Post, and elsewhere. He is also the founder of 100 Days of Dante, the world’s largest online reading group for The Divine Comedy.
Program Manager
Program Manager
Beth Butler is from Waco, Texas and works in D.C. as the program manager for Baylor in Washington. She attended Baylor and graduated in 2022 with a University Scholars major and concentrations in Great Texts, Philosophy, and Political Theory. As an undergraduate student, Beth worked as a research assistant at the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, a student assistant for Baylor in Washington, the managing editor of The Standard, and the social media manager for 100 Days of Dante. She also worked at Fabled, an independent bookstore in Waco, and completed internships at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in D.C. and Plough Quarterly in New York. Her undergraduate honors thesis investigated renderings of Stoic philosophy in Old Western movies, and she plans to pursue graduate studies in theology.